Steakhouse called Palladino’s to take over burned-out Colombo’s at 1934 E. Passyunk
A new restaurant called Palladino’s, being billed as an upscale steak and seafood house, will be taking over the old Colombo’s space at 1934 E. Passyunk Ave., which was damaged in a fire in August 2012.
Owner Luke Palladino, who already owns four other steakhouses in New Jersey, including two in Atlantic City, is shooting to open in November. The Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation, which we reported last month had purchased the building, signed the least last week and the deal was announced today.
Palladino plans 80 seats inside and another 40 outside “a bold neon sign outside,” says The Insider. He plans a full bar with liquor license, craft cocktail list and a wine list. Though it will be upscale, Palladino told the blog:
In an interview this morning, Palladino explained that while the restaurant will indeed be a steak house – and he does have a new upmarket meatery called LP Steak that opened last year in Northfield – the new restaurant will cater to different budgets.
“The menu will have a lot of range,” he said. “You can select your experience – whether you want to dine small, like $25 [a head], or you want the full experience.” He plans to feature cuts of meat for two or four.
They apparently didn’t like the built-in sidewalk seating, because that was already gone last week.

PARC will renovate the second floor into apartments. The renovation of that building puts the cherry on top of an East Passyunk gateway sundae. PARC also plans a $500,000 renovation to turn the little wedge-shaped plaza at Broad, Passyunk and McKean into a gathering space with new lighting, seating, a fountain and a pergola for events.

That construction should be complete by the fall.
Finally! I really hope it works out… If something productive can take root in that space and survive, it would be so great…
It would be nice if something better could be done with the rest of the businesses on Broad Street between Passyunk and Snyder… They are such an eyesore… And the fiends… The fiends in front of the Rite Aid and Dunkin donuts make it hard to envision people walking up Broad to get to this steakhouse…
So much for something affordable.
I had a similar reaction… I was hoping for a local version of Umami Burger, something along those lines.
I am excited that this building, and that part of Passyunk, is finally getting some new life. Excited for the whole revitalization of that area.
I’m less than excited by this “bold neon sign.”
I was really hoping for something more casual &/or affordable. I like all the great restaurants that are popping up and bringing attention, people, and GREAT food here – but it would be nice to have more neighborhood casual spots a la Green Olives Cafe and (before it moved) El Zarape.
I believe the sign is a good idea. A bold neon sign could help attract people driving on Broad street to East Passyunk.
Yeah…. Neon sign… No Bueno… Its supposed to be a “steak house”… Right?? Not a “steak shop”…
This is great. The sign is a great welcome to the avenue, and we need a steakhouse. This will push the junkies and bums from this intersection as well.
True.. The avenue could use a grand entrance type of business welcoming people down the avenue… The fiends though… Ever since Woolworth’s closed and that Rite Aid opened… Its been downhill since…
I hope this business works. I hope it is the great welcome that everyone seems to agree is needed there… I hate the stupid concrete bump outs that might be expanded there… They should shorten the length of that red light holding up people from crossing broad… And find some way to make turns work there… Left turn lanes to turn off Broad? Maybe left turn lights?
But NEON?? I don’t know man…. Depends on how its done… It can’t look cheap… It can’t look like a cheesesteak joint with an identity crisis… Or a steakhouse with an identity crisis… LoL… Idunno… I think it needs to be done carefully and in a smart way…
I agree. I read up on the chef/owner, pretty accomplished doesn’t seem low brow.
this is obviously great news, although I echo the opinion that a more affordable option (burgers & shakes joint) would’ve been nice. The real way to get rid of the riff raff between McKean and Snyder is to get rid of the dollar store and chicken place there. Isn’t there some recovery center there as well? I thought the PARC renovation was also supposed to include that stretch of broad with seating and flowers?
I have eaten at Luke Palladino’s in Linwood, NJ and it is excellent.
They should add neon to the king of jeans sign and put it up there. Talk about bold…
Aha, yes!
HaHa!! AGREE!!!
This is really disapointing. The Avenue is already full of fancy restaurants that aren’t exactly family or wallet friendly.
@SC, that is probably the most mind-numbingly dumb statement I’ve read in a long time. There is no demand for cheapo-family restaurants. People who go to those types of places may go once a month. That’s why restaurants of that style have been replaced by chains.
Palladino’s.This is freakin’ great news. And, yes, a nice bright sign is also a good idea. The whole gateway to East Passyunk concept needs to be emphasised. THAT is how you improve the Broad & Snyder issue.
@Anthony G…I so agree. My first thought to the “family” restaurant comments…there are enough “family” restaurant chains with lousy food, mediocre service and crappy atmosphere! Keep it off the Avenue, please!
One of the reasons I like this site is that the comments are mostly positive. If you want to call people names from behind a computer go over to
Yes, please! Thank you for saying so. Let that be a warning to all who think it’s OK to be an anonymous asshole.
I second the desire for a more cheaper and family friendly restauraant. We have enough of the upper end ones.
To the folks lamenting the pricepoint of the coming steakhouse, I agree with you. Though I question the long term the viability of so many pricier restaurants. I imagine in time you’ll see the avenue reach an equilibrium point with the number of surviving pricey restaurants and you’ll see a few more casual joints open up to meet the obvious demand for for lower price-point meals.
Fancy is really hot right now, but in time I think things will even out.
To all the chain restaurant fans, I am pretty sure the association has made it clear they will not approve corporate businesses. Kind of a bummer in regards to a Trader Joes though.
Do you folks eat that much pork belly regularly? I remember the days when they just called it bacon and charged you a lot less for it too.
Not clear what association or what you mean by “approve,” but I’ll say this: if a chain restaurant wants to open up in a by-right building, there really isn’t anything anyone can do.
Great news! Love Luke’s in Northfield! I no longer have to travel to Northfield for high quality cuisine and service. The property has been an eyesore for too long. Regardless of what many think, this is not a location for a family restaurant, which tend to be dirtier and noiser and since this is on the corner of a small street, the commotion caused by a family restaurant would be a nuisance to the residents. If you want a family restaurant, there are plenty a short car or bus ride away. Also, there’s always the Melrose!
I’m not sure how this escalated to chain restaurants so fast. All I was saying is that no one (including me) wants me to take my toddler to eat at all of the upscale restaurants we now have on the Avenue. Hell, sometimes it’s nice to go out and not drop $30-$50 per person, even if you don’t have kids. Much to Lee’s point, EPX is reaching a saturation point for upscale dining, and eventually it won’t be sustainable to have more. Considering how quickly Sophia’s shuttered, that day may be here now.
Sophias had an identity crisis and poor ownership.
And the only one its kind to close. The rest are flourishing.
I am happy something is finally going into this space. I dont think a steak house will last long, but at least its better than the creepy people who sit on that corner. Hopefully, this will branch into extending businesses on West Passyunk. So many good places I grew up with closed (or moved to Jersey). We desparately need something other than nail salons, pizza, and empty store fronts!
Seriously, it sounds like a good concept from someone who has had proven success in the industry. I can’t quite understand though why PARC would want to salvage the existing building. It is a mess. I could see working with what is there if it was something like a Niftys Fiftys, but I would think PARC would have a better investment by just knocking it down and rebuilding it with the more upscale concept and better apartments above.
Honestly, a Chili’s would be perfect. Affordable, tastey, and right up the avenues alley. I go to the one on Oregon all the time and have wonderful meals. Actually going tonight. Everyone pull together and try to get a Chili’s on the avenue. God bless you all
April Fools joke? Hopefully…
Chilis? Why not an Olive Garden? Same thing.
Its different. The chefs at chili’s craft and invent inovative cuisine. They are always on the cutting edge of the food world. 4 words. South. West. Egg. Rolls. Booya!!
I’ve heard that Chili’s was considering a spot on the Avenue, but got scared by the proximity of the upcoming beer distributorship on Snyder Ave.
All I can say to everyone who’d love some cheapo-family resturaunt is, have you been to Delaware Ave? That’s where they belong, with big expansive parking lots and lots of wasted space.
Oh, and on your next trip take note that the Champ’s closed. The suburban-mall-style resturuant does not belong/work in the city.
BTW, the old Sophia’s location is already being re-opened, as an NICE restruraunt. People should take an ecomics course. Supply & Demand. You may think it is saturated, the market says otherwise.