Newest nail salon will be more of a spa at 4th and Snyder
Remember how we told you that a nail salon was looking to move into the large space at the corner of 4th and Snyder Avenue?
Rich Lazer of the Whitman Council shed a little more light on the plans for the property vacated by Millennium Home Products.

Mr. Lazer said that it would be more that “just nails” and that they would look to bring something “similar to a spa” to the corner. The apartments listed on the zoning notice were already in existence, so nothing would need to change there. Whitman Council will send a letter of non-opposition to the project and Lazer noted that there were a few neighbors present at the meeting that were in favor of the plans for the large commercial space at a highly trafficked intersection.
It’s unclear what will happen to the storefront at Moyamensing and Snyder Avenue once Holiday Nails moves across the street into the new space. Lazer mentioned that they would like to reach out to the old location to see if there can be something other than a nail salon on that corner.
– James Jennings is the founder of the blog Pennsporter — a site dedicated to exploring the neighborhood from Washington to Snyder, the Delaware to Fourth.
A “spa”, AKA the Washy-Washy house.