Francoluigi’s may eventually open an East Passyunk Avenue restaurant
Francoluigi’s pizzeria has been a neighborhood staple at 13th and Tasker for more than 30 years.

While the Francoluigi’s at that spot doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, an article from about the the pizzeria mentioned the possibility for a new restaurant from owner Frank Borda.
According to the article, Borda owns a property on the 1900 block of East Passyunk Avenue. He has been considering opening some kind of franchise, or opening a new restaurant in his property on the hot restaurant strip that is East Passyunk Avenue.
More on the potential restaurant from‘s interview with Borda:
I do own a beautiful building right on the 1900 block of the Avenue. I have a tenant right now, but I might step into that arena and do something really outrageous. The second floor would be a balcony with musicians, and the first floor would be a restaurant. It might make some people on the Avenue upset, but I would love it.
What do you think of Francoluigi’s opening a restaurant on East Passyunk Avenue?
I’d be interested to know which building he’s talking about. But other than that, sounds good to me.
1912, across from Adobe and Fuel.
This sounds like a great idea. Franco knows how to run good place and it would be exciting to see a new take.