Apartments and retail to replace small warehouse in Bella Vista
The small warehouse at 7th and Kater Streets in Bella Vista could soon be demolished.

A three-story building with retail on the ground floor and four apartments on the upper floors is expected to replace this 2,200 sq. ft. warehouse.
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Earlier this month, they appeared before the Bella Vista Neighbors Association, presenting plans to demolish the building and replace it with a new three-story structure. The first floor would contain some yet-to-be-determined commercial tenant. Four apartments are proposed for the second and third floors. We’d bet on two per floor. The community process, and ultimately the ZBA, is necessary because the project calls for 100% lot coverage, same as the building the developers want to tear down.
On June 23, the ZBA approved the project’s application.
What kind of retail space would you like to see in this location?