Passyunk and Mifflin triangle project near completion
In April we told you about the Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation’s plans to rebuild the triangle at Passyunk and Mifflin Streets.

The pedestrian triangle now includes bench seating and outdoor chess tables, creating more community space in the area.
Previously the space had just a newsstand and the bronze statue of boxer Joey Giardello. The Giardello statue will remain, but with the removal of the newsstand, the triangle has much more space for community enjoyment.

The next step for this project is more trees and new planters, which are expected to be added prior to the Car Show on July 26.

This pedestrian triangle is located across from the former King of Jeans building, which has been demolished to make way for a five-story building with retail, office space and apartments.

Nearby at Passyunk, Broad and McKean another project by PARC, the Passyunk gateway revitalization project, is still underway.
What is the delay with gateway project? Why does every project Passyunk ave starts take so long? Perhaps you don’t do press releases until something actually occurs.
Nice low cost, high impact transformation. A perfect place to enjoy a sandwich or ice cream now.
A nice spot so far! The day the benches were installed people were already sitting and enjoying and building a sense of community. I hope the newsstand owner was fairly compensated for moving or closing their business