Live music at the improved Mifflin Street triangle for remaining Passyunk Passeggiatas
Since May, Passyunk Passeggiata events have been occurring on East Passyunk Avenue every Wednesday, encouraging strolls down the Avenue with special offers at various retail establishments and restaurants.
With only 5 weeks remaining for the Passyunk Passeggiata, the newly-improved Mifflin Street triangle will be adding some live music and fun for Wednesday nights.
The triangle at Passyunk and Mifflin streets was recently renovated by the Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation with the removal of the newsstand and the addition of benches and greenery.

Now that the space is more useable to the community, you will be able to enjoy live music on Wednesdays from August 5 through September 2 at the triangle.
So far, the lineup includes:
August 5: Jerome Ziets & Pete Taney
August 12, 19 and 26: Mia Johnson
September 2: The Blue Pharaohs
Passyunk Passeggiata runs from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights. So now in addition to the live music at the Singing Fountain, you can now enjoy music at the Mifflin Street triangle. You can check out live music at this newly-renovated community space starting at 6 p.m.
Weird choice to show a guy begging for change on the poster. I guess they wanted to work that new gateway at Broad and Passyunk in there.
I believe it’s someone sitting having a drink.