Arts center called Kind Institute opening in Point Breeze
A new arts center called the Kind Institute is opening at 1242 Point Breeze Ave.

This new center will have an after-school arts program for kids from grades 2 through 5, classes for adults and an art gallery that will host local artists who have shown their works on international levels.
This facility is being opened by Maria Pandolfi, who was formerly an art teacher at Childs Elementary, and Ron Kustrup. Together they’re hoping to make this space a go-to spot for the arts in Point Breeze, especially for children and bringing together the community.
The purpose of the program is to teach kindness and educate about the arts. While the emphasis with this program is on the youth, there will also be opportunities for adults to learn at art classes in this space in the evenings.
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Ms. Pandolfi, due to her years at Childs and the fact that she lives in the neighborhood, has a strong connection to the Point Breeze community. With Childs now without an art program, she wanted to again bring the arts into the lives of the children of Point Breeze. She has big goals for the Kind Institute, but if she’s able to pull them off it will be a boon for the community.
By day, the space will serve as a gallery, selling works from local and international artists. There will be kids shows too. Also, there will be art classes for parents and toddlers. After school, there will be classes for elementary and middle school kids on the first floor and in the basement. The staff will be a combination of volunteers and paid teachers. They will charge for classes, but every effort will be made to keep the prices affordable.
All proceeds from the gallery will go towards the after-school program for kids.
The Kind Institute is expected to open in January. You can find out more about the Kind Institute on their Facebook page.