Demolition notices posted for planned mixed-use development near Broad and Washington
Back in August we told you about some plans for a 5-story, mixed-use development in the works for 1111 S. Broad St. by developer Rory Scerri-Marion and his company, Ampere Capital Group.

Now Naked Philly notes that they’ve spotted notices for the demolition of the current structure, which includes the former car mechanic and accessory shop in the ground floor space.
According to the plans that were formerly on the Ampere Capital Group website, this will be a 5-story development, including 42 apartment units and a ground floor commercial space. Since those plans were posted a while back and we haven’t seen any new plans, it’s hard to tell exactly what all this structure will look like.
One thing worth noting is that the property is zoned as CMX-3, which makes this development by right. Because of the zoning, the project requires an allotment of parking in relation to the number of apartment units included.
The demolition of this building will hopefully be a sign of things to come in the area. With two other huge projects in the works near Broad and Washington with the Blatstein project and a potential 2nd development, it’s only a matter of time until more changes start coming to the area.