Zoning board denies proposal for mixed-use development at 6th and Christian
New plans were presented in November for a mixed-use development for the former Triangle Park property at the intersection of 6th Street, East Passyunk Avenue and Christian Street. The first versions of the plans included five-stories with 12 apartments.

The developers, Dan Rosin and Rafi Licht, have since changed the plans to better suit the community with four-stories and nine apartments. When the Zoning Board of Adjustment voted on the project on Wednesday, they rejected this current proposal.
More from PlanPhilly:
Initially, developers Dan Rosin and Rafi Licht proposed a five-story structure with 12 apartments and no parking spaces on the site. When the developers discussed the proposal with nearby residents, some neighbors worried that it was too tall and might exacerbate parking congestion. In response, the developers revised the proposal, shortening it to four stories with nine apartments, a design that still required a small handful of variances from the site’s zoning classification.
The Bella Vista Neighbors Association eventually sent a letter of non-opposition to the zoning board, saying that a general vote came out 24-11 in favor of the project, while a vote of the nearest neighbors came out 8-10 in opposition. The zoning board did not give a reason for rejecting the variances, according to several people who attended the meeting.
Some residents who are in opposition of the project are hoping for the restoration of the park that was once here, prior to it being shut down by property owner Stuart Schlaffman in 2013.
NIMBY B.S. If I owned it, I would now turn it to a “community” basketball court.
That is a very good idea.
GREAT IDEA — A basketball court would be great! Now you are showing how smart of an urban developer you really can be, Lou-Lou!!
Run game all night long….
Oh, I’d invite any missionary church around to run daytime foo hand outs.
Never enough ball courts… Especially if they properly maintain the courts, rims, nets, etc…
The plan as presented required 3 variances; In order to get a variance you must make FIVE findings; the ZBA ruled that the plan met NONE of those findings. Nearby neighbors from QV and BV were nearly unanimous in opposition with over 160 signatures from proximate residents (none of whom were turn around jumpers) in opposition to the plan as presented. There is huge support for a park on the land and the owner had previously agreed to sell the lot to the city; it may still happen; we’ll see