A Starbucks is actually coming to 22nd and South
In the summer of 2014 we first heard about a Starbucks that would be opening in the former L2 Cafe location at 22nd and South. The coffee chain never came to fruition here. Instead there was a pizza and beer spot called Growler’s that was expected in 2015, but also never opened.

Now guess who’s back? Construction has begun to bring a Starbucks location to South Street West.
More from Naked Philly:
The business will take over the first floor, and there will be four rental apartments upstairs.
Two years ago when this first emerged as a possibility, we wondered whether Starbucks would change the character of South Street West. We’re still not sure, but we’re inclined to believe that the corridor will continue to evolve slowly and improve incrementally, as it has in recent years.
There goes the neighborhood.
And to think, it could have been the south philly co op
I think we could really use a pharmacy on that corner.
When Starbucks was proposed in 2014, the yellers among the denizens forced this plan to be scuttled. Growlers was supposed to take its place and never started construction for unknown reasons.
Now it has been stated that nobody else can come and the denizens are to shut up and accept Starbucks which will not be a problem at all when permitting takes place.
It makes little sense for Starbucks as there is one a few blocks north and east (not that that has ever stopped them before,) and the independent coffee shop scene in that few blocks is so strong with Ultimo, LaVa, Rival Bros, and Good Karma.