Marconi Plaza warns dog owners about letting pets relieve themselves in child play areas
As some of you may recall, a few years back we were on a “dog shit crusade” to make an attempt to stop dog owners from simply leaving their pet’s poop on the sidewalk. It’s been two years since we’ve written one of those posts, but the problems regarding trash cleanup and dog poop are never-ending in the city.

Marconi Plaza, the park space at Broad and Oregon, is currently experiencing some difficulties with pet owners letting their dogs relieve themselves in the child-specific play areas of the park, making for an unsanitary scene. Friends of Marconi Plaza are now “asking parents to call the police if you are experiencing violations or abuse of the children’s play areas.”
More from Philly Voice:
The Friends of Marconi Plaza said Monday in a Facebook post that an issue has been brought to their attention: Dogs are entering parts of the park designated specifically for kids to play and relieving themselves – and their owners aren’t picking up after their animals.
It should be noted that cleaning up after your dog in Philly is the law. So not only is it pretty gross to let your pet go “number two” in a playground, but it’s also illegal, and could land you a $100 fine if you get caught.
Put in a dog park.
I have an idea- let’s start a hashtag #dogpoopoffender and when you see someone not picking up their dog poop, you take their photo and tag them on instagram.