Check out this picture of funky 1970s East Passyunk Avenue
This picture of the 1800 block of East Passyunk Avenue, circa 1975, has been making the rounds on social media the last couple days.

Pretty cool, huh? Though they did spell Passyunk wrong the second time.

It’s like a Magic Touch game. Can you pick out the businesses that are still around?
only thing that I can reasonably spot is Maras.
The lack of trees is incredibly apparent. The street looks hot.
Overall, what a busy-bustling looking street.
the woman who works at/owms Lucidi has this article from the original paper in her basement, she showed it to me last week while i was going around handing out notifications for the zoning meeting on Wednesday. I told her to contact you guys to show you this bc its amazing but she was afraid she wouldn’t get it back. Go talk to her about it, the full article is incredible, there are pictures of Mr Martino as a young guy and lots of other amazing tidbits still relative to the avenue
Thanks, Taryn! I’ll stop by there next week.
Bring back the christmas lights that are hanging over the street!
Ahhh the good old days when my mother and father could be found walking the avenue.