Bricks fall off old Superior Plumbing building; beer distributor’s work stopped
Thanks to the neighborhood tipster who notified us of this story. If you see something, say something – in an email to
Work on the forthcoming beer distributor at 1218 Snyder Ave. has been stopped by the Department of Licenses and Inspections, which cited the building after bricks started falling onto the sidewalk last week.

The building owner, for whom we haven’t been able to track down contact information, was ordered to repair the building within 30 days. Hopefully it’s done sooner than that. (UPDATE: We just sent an email to the beer store owner to find out who’s responsible for making the repairs.)
We hear that the local civic associations have been working with the beer distributor owner (we’re unsure if they also own the building) to try to make this as nice a place as possible, including advising on the signage and facade treatment. We’ll keep you posted.
fix facade and continue.
No! DON’T CONTINUE!! Put something different there!! PLEASE!!!
This building has been a nightmare for the neighborhood since the plumbing supply closed its doors. The new owner has not been mindful of the property or the neighborhood since he took possession of the property. The application for the beer distributor license seems fishy to me. The new owner hasn’t maintained this building. Bricks have been falling since the plumbing supply closed. This winter, the pavements were NEVER shoveled! You took your life in your hands just walking on the pavement of 1218 Snyder because of the icy pavement and the bricks and mortar falling from the building. Parking is already a nightmare in this neighborhood. A beer distributor in this neighborhood will only make a bad situation worse. Is anyone checking to see if there are correct and proper permits for the work being done in that building? Is anyone checking to see that the proper and correct building materials are being used so that the building doesn’t become a fire hazard? This new owner has done a huge disservice to this neighborhood by renting (or selling) to a beer distributor.
The beer distributor business does not own the building. As far as I know, the same owner own the building, so complaints about the building should be directed at him.
Yah, confusing: the building was not sold. Same owner.
I’m not so sure about that. The BRT website shows the building was sold last September, so unless this was some kind of deed transfer for the original owners, it looks sold to me.
Yeah its definitely NOT the same owners..
Ah, my mistake.
The falling bricks and neglected building is so offensive to the neighborhood.. And to add insult to injury, this new owner is renting out to a beer distributor… The beer distributor is such a bad idea.. It is going to be an eyesore.. A low class place where alcoholics go to get 40’s of Colt 45… The apartment building next to it with all those recovering bums living there makes it worse because they’ll probably frequent the place….
But nobody seems to care…
First, please learn the difference between a Beer Distributor and Take-Out/Six Pack store. They are totally different, by LAW.
Second, go take a trip to Bella Vista Beverage on 11th St, that’s a Beer Distributor.
Of course, if you don’t like that, you can always get a Methadone Clinic. Be careful what you ask for, you may get way worse.
They should be renovating that whole place for some nice apartments… Think of where this place is… Now, think of being 4 stories up… The views are some of the BEST in the city…
What happened to the idea of a cafe with some nice bay windows and outdoor tables and chairs..?? With maybe umbrellas for shade or some trees…??
The owner probably STOLE this property, as it was pretty close to going into foreclosure in September… He should be able to develop this property in a professional “un-slumlord-like” way… What a waste of space… What a complete let down.. What wasted potential!!!
So discouraging..
Idunno Ant.. I guess I’m just not as confident or trusting as you that this place will be anything close to what Bella Vista Beverage is…
Beer distributor is bad idea we should keep it residential neighborhood
Yeah they should have renovated the whole building for some super nice apartments first before they had a shotgun deal with a cheapo beer distributor… How you are you gonna work on the rest of the building if there is a beer distributor taking up all the space on the first floor?
This is not the first time bricks have fallen from the building. The facade has been visibly and dangerously unstable as far back as at least December. So now after four months of having my 311 complaints closed as “unfounded”, L&I finally wakes up. Nice job guys! Jeezus H.
L & I doesn’t seem to care that work is progressing while there are still loose chunks of brick visible and still as scary looking as the pictures above… Oh well… So much for L & ! being extra careful in the wake of that tragic building collapse a year ago…