Quick Hits: Can Philly afford free parking?; CHOP ordered to make changes; & 15th and South renderings

- The City Paper examined the dust-up over the scrapped proposal to construct an apartment building on the municipal lot on 12th Street near Reed, weighing a neighbor’s consideration that the lot is a city service versus an economist who said it’s bad for the city’s bottom line. The blog This Old City made the case that the city can’t afford it.
- Plan Philly reported that the Civic Design Review committee asked Children’s Hospital last week to make significant changes to the way its proposed Schuylkill Avenue complex meets the street. Make it “less auto-centric,” the CDR said.
- And Naked Philly showed off renderings of the housing development that will take over the grassy, vacant lot on South Street where the Jamaican Jerk Hut has been jamming outdoors for years.