Another huge development proposed for Point Breeze
UPDATE: A ridiculous flier is being distributed to oppose this 22-home development, as well as a previously proposed 48-home project near 20th and Wharton. The meeting is Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. at Gospel Temple Baptist Church, 1327 S. 19th St. An agenda for the meeting by South Philadelphia Homes Inc. is here.
What the hell are they talking about with 300 residents with pit bulls? Scare tactic, maybe?
A development of 22 homes could be coming to 20th and Wharton streets on the site of a vacant warehouse. The would-be development sits across little Woodstock Street from another proposal that would bring 48 additional homes within steps of Point Breeze Avenue, which we reported about in October.
Naked Philly reports that both plots of land are under contract by OCF Holdings, owned by developer Ori Feibush, but that each project is being completed by a different developer. JKR partners has designed the homes for both projects:

Each home would be 1,800 square feet, 3 bedrooms, a roof deck and a finished basement. Says Naked Philly:
While a drive-aisle would seem to make sense for a project like this, it would pretty much eliminate the first floors of the houses and result in impossibly shallow homes. Alternately, front-loaded garages could be an option, but the developers specifically chose to stay away from two long rows of garages in this location.
So, no parking for either project.

So, what do you think of those Mansard roofs?
Cool. Also, parking doesn’t seem like much an issue when you get into the 20s so good idea to forgo the street level garages.
I agree. This is a pretty low density improvement and parking can be reasonably managed on the street.
Just say no to mansard roofs.
Actually, the third floors are ugly on both projects. The rest seems decent enough.
But Mansard roofs are my favorite! I actually think this meshes with the rest of the neighborhood more than a lot of other OCF projects.
this won’t be by right under zoning, will it? good luck getting no parking past the neighbors…
As its zoned ICMX by right it cant be residential at all. I think i read elsewhere that the developers may attempt to have it rezoned to match the surrounding blocks which are RSA-5. They would probably subdivide the parcel into zoning-compliant sized lots as well. If that is successful, these improvements would probably be by-right or very close.
All in all, they’re a good scale/size for the neighborhood.
The mansard roofs are great. Im glad its not more square buildings with no character.
But the places look great and the neighborhood is in need of something fresh and clean looking over there. Its a plus for Point Breeze. And it will be a plus for the Parking Authority…
Parking will be a problem at 20th & Wharton?? You have no clue. When was the last time you were in that area?
You’re looking at the place now. Not thinking about it when the new development is fully occupied and a bunch of businesses sprout up around it afterwards.
And I can speak for around 22nd and Wharton around the hours of 11pm-1am because I had a friend in the neighborhood… I’d park on Wharton on her block easily some times… But other times, it could be challenging.. Are you thinking about parking at night? Or are you just driving through there?
You visited a lady between the hours of 11 pm and 1 am? BOW CHICKA BOW BOW.
Woah… maybe claimed to be a “lady”. Perhaps he couldn’t find parking that was “secure” enough!
Parking is a complete NON-issue. To argue otherwise demonstrates a complete unfamiliarity with the area.
Dude.. Its a shame you can’t post pics here so I could show you what I mean. And what exactly are you implying with that “claimed to be a lady” comment? What are you in 4th grade?
This is not a true mansard roof, which has a double pitch and should extend around all four sides of the building. One might not be offended by this rather cheap bastardization of the form, but what the heck is with the “scaffolding” on top?
Probably railings for roof decks that obviously don’t conform to the setback rules.
As someone who ACTUALLY lives half a block from these proposed homes, I can tell you the mass hysteria about lack of parking and pitbulls (“OH-NO”) is absolutely ridiculous. In the nearly 3 years since I moved here, I’ve parked in front of my house every single day. Meanwhile, this warehouse has been sitting empty, a total eyesore, and nobody parks next to it — on either side. I find it laughable that the same people who are demanding a supermarket are complaining about parking becoming a problem. What, nobody will need to park while they shop at a supermarket? What a joke. Bring on the development!!!!
Wait till all the people move into the new development. Then talk to me about parking. And how many people in your household have cars other than you?
A huge chunk of 3-story residences with decks will dwarf the 2-story homes across the street. The metal deck railings are ugly and would look much nicer as wood. I’m so tired of this “moderne” architecture, particularly when instituted in a large block like this. Why not stick with the style of the newer, light brick homes I see around South Philly? Thinking of the house two doors down on Wharton from the mini market ( While I agree that parking is far more plentiful in the area, another 300 residents who have the cash to live in these homes will inevitably bring a ton of cars into the area and probably create a problem where there wasn’t one before.
as if parking is a problem everywhere. why is that a reason not to build beautiful homes? this location needs it badly.
Apparently the Concerned Citizens of Point Breeze held another sh!t-show meeting last light. Amazing how blind these people are.
Ori better win the 2nd District council seat.
Oh what happened? People who don’t sit in their office and read the passyunk post all day actually showed up to a meeting and voiced their opinion? Are you anti-democracy now Ant?
Bring on the development! There’s nothing going on there. It’s quiet and dark. I think it will only do better things for point breeze. As far as parking, like someone else said, no one parks there anyway. Since the bus stop is right there and runs straight to the city, maybe not as many people will have cars.
Bring on the development. Yes… But if something can be done to keep parking such a “non-issue” why wouldn’t it be given any thought? Why would we shout people down who voice concerns…? Maybe NOW the parking is fine… But why wouldn’t we try and make sure it stays fine? Why would we wait till the neighborhood gets well populated and crowded to worry about parking?
Will someone please think of the PARKING!
Just move to South Jerysey already…
So just outlaw cars then… Guns are perfectly legal though and the rights of gun owners should be protected and treasured. Cars are enemies though… Get them outta here… And if we can’t ban cars, lets just make it as difficult as possible to own, drive, or park one. Lets make it so that buying a gun is easier than finding a parking spot! Nice!
I was just having a discussion with a friend the other night about this sort of thing. Philadelphia will never live up to its full potential when there are these people out here actively trying to keep certain neighborhoods poor and decrepit. What a joke.
Without opining on the gentrification issue, parking is definitely a red herring. 22 units would probably generate 30-40 cars. They wouldn’t all be there at the same time, except maybe late night (not counting the folks out visiting their lady friends!). It’s hard to believe that the neighborhood can’t absorb that.