Help stomp out litter, one Instagram at a time
A new app owned by a Villanova-raised founder could be a small help in eradicating the litter problem in our fair neighborhood.

Reports the Philadelphia Business Journal:
A new startup company is hoping to eradicate litter through crowdsourcing. It’s called Litterati and it’s mission is simple — and ambitious: Get people to take a photo of a piece of litter, share it on Instagram (with #Litterati), then throw it away or recycle it. So far, its users have photographed and disposed of 55,000 pieces of litter around the world. In Pennsylvania, there have been 117 so far, said Founder Jeff Kirschner, 41, a transplant to the San Francisco bay area from Villanova.
So, 117 pieces of litter statewide obviously isn’t much, especially for a city where simply maintaining trash cans is sometimes dfficult. But the company plans to track where the litter appears and what kind it is, and it intends to use that data in the future to pressure certain companies to make changes.
Hey, it’s something, right?
Let’s all start taking photos around Pat’s and Geno’s, OK?
Don’t forget about Rita’s Water Ice!
Don’t forget about EVERYWHERE!
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