Rumor Mill: Miss Lilia’s at 12th and Dickinson closing, to be reopened as a taqueria?
Want us to check in on a neighborhood rumor? Email us at with the subject line Rumor Mill and we’ll see if we can get to the bottom of it.
Miss Lilia’s first opened at 12th and Dickinson in March of 2013 as a small general store, carrying a variety of items including organic groceries, but it looks like that hasn’t worked out so well.

Signs have recently been posted on the location about the general store closing, but it could be a sign of something new.
From what we’ve heard, the grocery is closing down, but could be reopened as a tacqueria by the same owners. We’ve reached out to the shop owner but haven’t heard back quite yet.
A new Mexican food spot doesn’t sound like such a bad thing, especially with El Zarape gone from the neighborhood.
We’ll keep you updated as we hear more.
Ha, couldn’t pay me to eat there.
Thanks for your contribution, Jim! Super informative.
I liked the store. We got most of our food from a CSA, so it didn’t make a lot of sense in our day to day. A taqueria would be great!
We go there for tamales on Sundays. I would LOVE it to open as tacqueria.
This was my go-to bodega for anything random I had forgotten or was too lazy to walk to Acme to get. The staff was always so nice here, so I almost lost it when they told me they were closing…
Especially, since the convenience store across the street, Bertolino’s, is the worst and might be open for 2 hours a day (I’m exaggerating, but it’s pretty much useless for anyone with a 9-to-5).
The tamales were amazing, and they were testing the waters over the past few months serving papusas for dinner that were pretty good. I was talking with one of the clerks and he said they might do some latin fusion, I told him to stick to his guns and go the authentic route.
I also asked him how long it would take for them to flip the place into a restaurant, he shrugged and said maybe a month. We shall see…
Bertolinos is the absolute worst. I think they only exist to provide meds to people who know the owners and who don’t have jobs.
This seems like one of those “unlucky” corners similar to the corner of Dickinson and Passyunk. A corner where businesses come and go until there’s a perfect fit.
I must disagree about Bertolino’s Pharmacy. Being an independent pharmacy they are able to offer services that the chains don’t such as delivery. They are open from 9:30 to 6, though they used have later hours. They probably changed them after being held up at gunpoint.
Nice to hear a voice of reason speak for once… Watch it Constance… Its only a matter of time before AnthonyG starts trying to bully you…
I like Bertolino’s, not sure why you’d think different. I suspect you’ve never been there, as they don’t have parking. Though, on the plus side, you can get your Viagara delivered and not have worry about people seeing you pick it up.