Fringe Salon will be moving from Passyunk to Bok
Last month we told you about Hive76’s move into Bok, now more businesses are beginning to announce their plans to open in this massive school, being transformed into a mixed-use space by developer Lindsey Scannapieco.

Fringe Salon can now be added to that list, moving from their location at 1728 E. Passyunk Ave. to one of the rooms in the 340,000 sq. ft. space at 1901 S. 9th St.
The owner of Fringe Salon, Erin Anderson, hinted to us months ago about this eventual move but wasn’t quite ready to spill the beans. Now that a Fringe staffer has confirmed it on Facebook, the cat is out of the bag.
She says the new salon will be located on the fourth floor in the former vo-tech school’s cosmetology classroom. Not only will they be moving out of their location of 11 years, but this new space will be larger and will allow Fringe to expand their list of services. Although they will be moving away from the East Passyunk Avenue community, they hope to continue with the tradition of Second Saturdays, bringing the energy of the avenue to Bok. They plan to be open in the new location by August.
Bok will house a variety of businesses and makerspaces as they move forward with their plans to transform the school and the surrounding grounds. In the past, Scannapieco has stated that anything from a brewery to an urban farm could utilize this space. With square footage that equates to 5.86 football fields, there is tons of potential for diversity here.
Now that there’s a hair salon and makerspace, what other businesses would you like to see at Bok?
Glad business’s are moving into BOK, but… seems like a really poor move for Fringe. A long established salon, with a high-profile, and highly desirable, location, choosing to move into a 4th floor classroom??
Definitely a risk, but if they have loyal clientele and the rent is (most likely) lower than East Passyunk it could be a good move. Artisan Boulanger made a similar move from a high profile spot on Morris and Passyunk to Mifflin and 10th and they are still doing well to my knowledge. It’s great that businesses are recognizing how unique of a space this can end up being and I’m looking forward to more announcements. The developers at Bok will surely roll out heavy marketing and press releases and given how successful Le Bok Fin was this summer I think it already has plenty of buzz. From a purely selfish standpoint, I live three blocks away on 9th and I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of impact it has on property values!
I’ve no experience in the salon business, so maybe I’m off base. BUT…. every salon I’ve ever seen makes use of really large, street level, windows to showcase what’s inside (or maybe for customers to look out). Either way, a 4 floor classroom sounds like a dud.
The best analogue would probably be the barber shop at The Racket Club on the third floor, which (now) operates essentially independently from the club (although I believe it used to be really for members). It has no street presence and is not allowed to advertise or have signs. Obviously, the location is just a “tiny” bit different, but the internet (Yelp, etc.) make it conceivable to have a salon business that doesn’t rely on street presence. Wish them well.
Headhouse Salon on 2nd and League is good example of a salon that doesn’t have that typical physical presence. No street access. Elevator only to top of building.
That is the street level setup of most salons. However, as a woman, I can say that I’ve never gone into a salon just because I walked by on the street. No women that I know of “window shop” for a haircut. We choose salons based recommendations from friends, word of mouth, and reviews. My stylist recently moved from a salon to her own space in a large office tower. She left with a large existing clientele, and uses social media extensively. Considering how long it took me to get an appointment, I don’t think it’s hurting her business! Now, if you told me that, say, Occasionette was moving to Bok, then I’d be surprised. Small boutiques like that need the window shoppers and walk-ins.
I hope the Hillary Clinton campaign can find another space for their field office on Passyunk! Occasionette occupies the space where the Obama field office was last election cycle…
But yes this seems great for the Salon’s profit margins with the assumably lower rent.
A brewery would be awesome. Le Bok Fin was a lot of fun, and always packed, so that concept could work. Studio space to rent would be lovely (photography, wood work, metal work).
Any plans on keeping the school auditorium? That’d be sweet as community theater space.
It sounds like a brewery is coming soon to 15th and McKean. Fingers crossed.
They have a pending liquor license transfer for the 8th Floor so expect a bar/restaurant where le bok fin was last summer.
I tried to book my rehearsal dinner for July at Le Bok Fin and was told it would not be returning
maybe I am a newb having not grown up in the actual city limits of Philadelphia, but I struggle to find an indoor basketball court that’s available to rent or part of a gym membership (besides the YMCA in point breeze and Bellevue = $$$). If a company comes in to refurbish the basketball gymnasium (maybe part of a larger health fitness membership), I would be happy as a pig in sh*t. Now if a brewery opens up on another corner near this said gym, well then my head might just explode.
The basketball court would really be a much needed amenity for us types that like to hoop a few times a week. I hope they do something with it.
I am a Fringe client and will follow them to the new space. The shop has always been cute with the scissor sign but the space really doesn’t mean all that much to the clientele and the new spot is only a few blocks away. I hope they will still do the artwork displays. I always enjoy that. And Ullie(?) the in-house kitty, of course!
Hey everyone! Fringe employee here. I know everyone will beconcerned about our baby Uli! but she is coming with us and moving into a much bigger home! we also will continue to showcase art and even more art then before since our space is doubling in size. Thank you everyone for your support. As a team we are very excited and confident on our move! We also are very happy to support the local art community as much as possible! <3 Alexa!
This is an exciting move. An alternative space is perfect for Fringe, which has always been too big for it’s britches in the Passyunk shop–not that it isn’t cute. Owner Erin Anderson and staff are super creative with the use of space. I’m sure they will take advantage of the new possibilities. Maybe the artists’ spaces and salon will help carve out a new Second Saturday niche.
I think if I can fly 3000 miles for a color and cut, other patrons won’t mind walking a few extra blocks!
signs – The building will need signage. Where is that to be placed? anyone know?
This sounds like when a salon moves to a mall which seems ideal, but it can hurt business especially for new stylists who don’t have a following, yet. Walk-ins are a big part of the biz regardless of having social media marketing. I’ll miss seeing the salon in the neighborhood
and I dislike the Bok school being used as a business space or “mall.” It could be entirely used for urban gardening! How about that?! Reasons I love Philly are b/c of my walks through the neighborhoods, no business spaces.