Barcelona Wine Bar said to be taking over A Man’s Image on East Passyunk Avenue
A few months ago we broke the news that something big would be coming to A Man’s Image’s location at 1709 E. Passyunk Ave.
What A Man’s Image owner Abe Mandel said at the time was that a major restauranteur that he called “better than Starr,” would be taking over his storefront. Now the latest news for this massive corner property is that Barteca Restaurant Group will be bringing Barcelona, a wine and tapas bar, to East Passyunk Avenue.
When we first heard the news of a new restaurant opening here, it was rumored to be Stephen Starr, but instead, this restaurant and bar from Sasa Mahr-Batuz is expected to take over this location. A Man’s Image is then expected to relocate and downsize. With 4,400 sq. ft. of space, this new restaurant will become the largest on the avenue.
More from The Insider:
Sources say that Barcelona, a Spanish wine/tapas bar rooted in Norwalk, Conn., has signed a lease at 1709 E. Passyunk Ave., now occupied by A Man’s Image. The clothier, which had announced plans to move and downsize, will remain open for the immediate future.
Barteca Restaurant Group – whose brands include Barcelona and bartaco – has 11 Barcelona locations on the East Coast, from Georgia to Boston, in all sorts of settings. Its Atlanta location, for example, is in the Inman Park neighborhood, a gentrified part of town.
Is there anything we can do to stop this?
Well, we can protest if they do open. That’s our constitutional right. But I’m sure someone who is more law savvy than me can think of some way to prevent them from opening at all. How do small towns prevent Dunkin Donuts from opening up locations? Can we do that? I’d hate to see what happened in Atlanta and DC happen to EPX.
if this place opens, I will immolate myself in front of it
haha. Can I watch?
We are making Passyunk Avenue Great Again. Don’t be a bunch of losers!
This is very disappointing news… I’ve lived on East Passyunk for 30 years now, and I take pride in my neighborhood. Here’s hoping that someone is able to prevent this place from opening.
How is this any different from Stephen Starr? They only have 12 locations, Starr has close to double that. This place actually gets pretty good reviews in their other locations and there is no wine bar or tapas place currently on the Avenue.
I don’t most of like Starr’s restaurants, but I’d prefer one. First, his recent new concepts have been really strong (Serpico, for example). Second, he doesn’t introduce chained concepts to Philly, he introduces a concept in Philly and then maybe creates a chain of them. Third, there are far more than 12 restaurants owned by that restaurant group (they have 3 different concepts/chains). Fourth, this is a sign that EPX is at risk of becoming homogenized by national brands (Barcelona is backed by a venture capital firm, that’s how they have the money to expand like this). Walnut street west of Broad in the teens used to be a thriving restaurant row like east passyunk. Now? chains and the draw is on the other side of 20th. I don’t want that to happen, especially with how good the current restaurant scene is in our neighborhood.
Starr has 32 restaurant locations in Philly, NY, DC, Florida, NJ
Barteca has two concepts(Barcelona and bartaco and a total of 22 restaurants with five in the works. –
What is the third concept that you mention?
only two, my mistake. doesn’t really matter.
Why are people against this restaurant? It’s not like they are a “huge” national chain. They get good reviews elsewhere and it brings something to the Avenue that we don’t currently have here. I, for one, am excited about this news.
I just wish we had a timeline because I’d rather this change happen sooner than later.
We hate it because it is not “authentic”, where “authentic” means a redbeard Anglo from Ohio with the ironic tattoos of a pig with a sombrero spending his trust fund to serve “authentic” tacos and margaritas. Also, this site would be perfect for a Trader Wegman’s with a drive-thru vape shop at the corner.
So, a guy with tattoos makes a restaurant better and more authentic? Wow… how ignorant…
Whoosh goes the sound of the sarcastic joke over your head.
I was on board with your exciting concept until you mentioned the vape shop.
We probably need a Wegmans inside that Wegmans. Just in case.
place looks like a wannabe olive garden for yuppies
Really? Olive Garden?
You’re right, that’s unfair, Olive Garden should never be compared to this shit factory.
Wow. Have you ever been to one of the restaurants?
Olive Garden is synonymous with inauthentic to any self respecting Italian American who balks at getting their gravy/sauce out of a plastic bag shipped in from corporate…
In what way? It looks like a Tria to me. Concept seems thoughtful enough.
This place looks awesome. What’s with the immediate negativity? This will be a huge improvement to this corner.
I used to live in Atlanta. This place was the death kneel for the neighborhood they opened in. They’ve since become notorious for leading the way to “convert” neighborhoods into strip malls. If Barcelona opens on Passyunk, within five years the avenue will be nothing but chains and we’ll all be priced out.
Priced out? Most people in EPX own their homes. Not too worried about that.
What other neighborhoods have they gentrified? Greenwich? Brookline? West Hartford? Are you joking? Those areas have been wealthy for a 100 years
yeah. bury your head in the sand and pretend everything will be alright.
Andrew should win a prize for calling this right in the original article.
I’m against it because I live on the residential side of this development and my concerns are going to be the outdoor seating that is sure to come to both Passyunk Avenue and the adjoining island and 12th Street. Also, with this being a restaurant will also come huge trash bins and vents for cooking. Where are these things going to go? You know they won’t go on the Passyunk Avenue side of this property. They will go on the 12th Street residential side so I will have to walk out my door and see trash and smell food odors and not ever be able to open my windows again. All the issues that the residents of Camac Street deal with that get ignored we will now have to deal with. I basically have no issue with the Avenue’s resurgence and am a patron of many of the fine restaurants but when it starts affecting the residential area of EPX and my quality of living, I’m going to have an issue with it. Let’s see how much EPX will support the residents on this matter.
They don’t need any support, it’s zoned correctly to open a restaurant by right.
Just because it is commercially zoned to be a restaurant doesn’t mean that it has to be or would have the support of the community that lives directly near this property and are most affected by it. The Avenue is starting to get oversaturated with restaurants. Open something else up that would benefit everyone, like the Wegemans idea. Why does it have to be another restaurant?
Community support is irrelevant. That’s why zoning exists. If you have a problem with commercial businesses you shouldn’t live near a commercial corridor. Are you seriously suggesting that Wegmans should open a 4000 sqft storefront on Passyunk?
I have lived in this neighborhood for almost 50 years. I own my home and have supported all the restaurants and stores on the Avenue. This is not a strip mall area but it’s slowly turning into one. This was always a family neighborhood that happened to have a street with restaurants and stores that was always supported by the neighborhood and community and was not a hindrance like it’s starting to turn into now. It also has been evident for the last few years that the community, especially the long term residents, are irrelevant.
Don’t forget that they are going to make it as difficult as possible for you to turn onto 12th St. from Passyunk after all those pavement/street depreciations they put in… Also, don’t forget that they will need 3 large spaces worth of valet parking space on your street. LoL
On the bright side, you can hope that the island is too small to become a dirt eye sore like the one they put on 16th & Passyunk..
How about a beer distributor?
I agree that we are becoming restaurant-heavy, but Wegmans is a joke idea on so many levels – conceptually, logistically and space-wise – you can’t possibly be serious about that?
As someone who will be arguably the most affected person by this change, I can tell you that I’m pro restaurant in this location. It makes sense for the Avenue. The building is too small for any type of grocery store.
I think you have valid concerns. I too worry about the location of the dumpster, but I feel confident that this restaurant chain will abide by the laws. Reference the Philadelphia Streets website about dumpsters:
I’m not concerned about the outdoor seating, as the restaurant will be forced to finally keep the 12th Street side of the building clean (and hopefully graffiti free), since A Man’s Image neglects to. I’ll be happy to have a responsible tenant there, regardless of who it is.
As for the other individual who talked about being priced out of the neighborhood…how does that affect most of the residents here? I own my property as do most others, so increased real estate prices is only a good thing in my eyes.
That’s an incredibly ignorant response. There are palpable social effects that can’t be quantified by something like property value. Barcelona is like the Death Star for family focused neighborhoods. If you want to support a place with their track record, that’s fine, but my family will be fighting it every step of the way.
Please explain these “palpable social effects.” Note: it may be hard to take you seriously when you compared the restaurant to the “Death Star for family focused neighborhoods.”
Please back up your arguments with statistics, instead of heresay like most every other negative comment posted. I haven’t seen any negative track record for this restaurant nor am I sure where people are getting this info.
Are you serious? Demanding statistics from your neighbors? You sound like one of those people who think the holocaust was “exaggerated”. The impact of things can’t always be measured by statistics.
The impact of things can’t always be measured by random internet posters slandering a company they know nothing about. Statistics are truth. Talk is talk.
You’re just like the original poster…no better. Why bring the Holocaust into it? As a Jew, I find that extremely distasteful and disrespectful.
There you go folks, it only takes a mere six hours after posting for the Holocaust to enter the conversation.
What are you talking about??!! Maybe more vape stores would be better? Do recall how long the old pharmacy building sat vacant? There is little to no demand for spaces that big, ESPECIALLY from owner/operators.
Some things I miss, 50 cent beers at Joe Magg’s Broadway II and $4 meatball sandwiches at Passyunk & Moore, sure. Things change. There are still plenty of vacant storefronts, which proves there is no invasion.
What’s their track record? Please provide proof. If they got past the NIMBY’s in Brookline, Mass and Greenwich, CT I dont think South Philly is gonna be a problem. But good luck with your fight.
here’s a good place to start:
This is a joke, right? How in the heck does this have anything to do with Barcelona Wine Bar?
There are laws about sidewalk seating too and every time I walk by Birra and Adobe Cafe, it seems to me that they are in violation (less than a 5 foot right-of-way for pedestrians). If a business tries to get away with anything they can like that, I think it shows what type of “neighbor” that business wants to be. So time will tell what kind of neighbor Barcelona will be. If they are respectful of the neighborhood, then I’m ok too. If the restaurant is not a good fit for the avenue, the marketplace will decide.
I think the resident is talking about the average bar tab and/or dinner check makes most of these places more like occasional treats rather than places he/she can frequent regularly. I’m sure real estate taxes have gone up as well. Taxes go up, all these designer pavement concepts get put in, but the schools still have budget gaps… Thats a long term problem frequently overlooked.
It seems like most of the people who complain on this board about rising real estate taxes are older residents who shouldn’t be complaining. If they were really residents for as long as they say they are, then why don’t they qualify for the LOOP credit or whatever other tax breaks the city offers to fixed-income residents? I understand it’s a small sample size from this site.
I think some people just like to complain about change. It may be as simple as that.
You’re only eligible for LOOP if the property has never received a tax abatement. For people who have lived in their homes for 30+ years, that’s pretty tough.
The abatement program didn’t start until 1998 so it should not be an issue for longtime residents. Cutting abated properties out of LOOP is to prevent people who bought their places in the early 2000s from getting it on it.
I’m at a total loss as to why this is a bad thing just because there’s more than one location. I’ve been to several of their other locations and it’s a wonderful restaurant with a different menu at each one. Not like it’s a McDonald’s!
No, you don’t understand. The other ppl in this thread are right on. When they say “bad” they don’t mean like “oh the food is bad”. They mean bad as in “extinction level event” bad.
Extinction level for who? If it’s businesses like A Man’s Image I’m all for it.
I believe it is an improvement from A Man’s Image. Authenticity is the issue at hand… People seem more willing to put up with a little added aggravation when somebody they can identify with as a Philly native is involved. Big chains don’t get the same level of patience and understanding. And why should they..?
I’m a big fan of this restaurant! I have relatives in CT and we’ve been several times — never a disappointment — great seasonal menu, thoughtful wine list — this is a win!
Wow. It’s like everyone said “what could be worse than Chiarella’s” and they took it as a challenge.
Always the old guard with complaints. If it’s not parking it’s trash if it not trash it’s that there’s to many restaurants. Men’s image is horrible looking store that needs to be renovated. I for one can’t wait for this restaurant and all the customers and jobs it brings.
I’m completely offended by some of the newer residents complaining about the old guard. I work, pay my taxes, own and take care of my home, and have lived and loved this neighborhood for almost 50 years. How dare you say I’m a complainer about everything because I’m “old guard.” It’s my right to voice my opinion on this very important change in our neighborhood that happens to affect me directly. Myself and other “old guard” residents that are the backbone of this neighborhood have supported and patronized these establishments over the years. You act like this neighborhood was Beirut before the newer residents moved here to show us “old timers” how horrible our neighborhood was and how much you could make it better. It was always a great neighborhood for families. So thank you again for your contributions to the neighborhood and putting me in my place.
I don’t think it’s black or white on either side of the fence. There are reasonable and respectable long-time residents and there are disrespectful/lousy long-time residents. Same thing with the newer residents like myself. Both serve as the same backbone, assuming those that buy into the neighborhood will stay (I know I plan to). I think we need to get past this us/them thing and work together to transform the neighborhood into what we all want…and I say this in a realistic light
At the end of the day, the neighborhood continues to evolve and there are growing pains. I, personally, would like to see the avenue keep a nice balance of old and new shops and restaurants. I also see a larger out-of-town chain moving in and wonder if that will continue. However, I think that it’s already matured so much (and most spaces are older/cheaper) that the risk of this turning into a chain-filled street is low.
I also think there’s a balance given that this is a commercial corridor, intricately integrated into a large residential neighborhood. While the restaurant has a right to have seating outdoors, it should maintain reasonable outdoor hours in the evenings to respect the surrounding residents. And per someone else above, there are regulations regarding dumpsters, so there should be low risk that that will cause an issue. I vote to stay positive about the new tenant. They are bringing something new to the neighborhood and they will improve the current space alongside the new/exciting changes that are coming to the intersection this summer. It should be a very nice improvement for all.
Well said Anthony.
I’d still beg to differ on the changes to the pavements on such an already narrow corridor. (Those things tend to work best on the larger streets like Market, JFK, Washington, Oregon, and Packer)
But well said
Exactly Resident. They’re not from here, they just want more change while most were happy before they came.
actually, i just moved to the area from spring garden less than a year ago. But when venture capital supported restaurant chains move into an area, it’s a danger sign for small, local businesses. I hope that, because many of the restaurants and businesses are locally owned and supported by PARC that this won’t upset the street too much, but there’s a risk that a large, outside chain is a harbinger of more forces and east passyunk will be homogenized while the best local owned places end up relocating more and more to Fishtown/Kensington and other neighborhoods where big business money isn’t moving in.
I hope that doesn’t happen, but when chains move into an area, that’s a big risk.
Fishtown already has local chains like Starr and La Colombe who raised 28.5 million in venture capital. Just because a business was successful doesn’t mean it’s evil. Townsend owner has two locations, Cantina has 5+, Noord has two, Palladino 4+, The chains are already here.
Like you said, La Colombe and Starr are from Philadelphia and based here and La Colombe built out fishtown as a HQ. that’s an apples and oranges comparison.
I’m not against local businesses doing well, I’m worried when out of town chains with big money backers expand to a neighborhood because it has an inflationary effect on rents and changes the consumer base as well. It’s exactly what happened to Walnut Street. None of your list are that.
I’d say those neighborhoods are more prone to chains taking root en masse. This is due to the furious pace of change, availability of larger spaces, neighborhood forces, etc. Kit and Ace is an early example, Roland Kassis’ boutique hotel is possibly another.
I really miss the old Avenue, all nice and quiet what with vacant shops.
It’s not going to turn into a strip mall. That is an incredibly stupid statement. In fact, it is nonsensical. Name ONE location that would suitable for a big chain??
The Furniture Concepts building, the first floor of King of Jeans (when it’s built), the first floor of the new building across from Birra and finally, Escape the 80s could easily become larger chain stores. Not saying they will but those seem like possible candidates.
Was Palladino’s not the third location of a local steakhouse chain? Didn’t he just add a fourth location to Valley Forge Casino? Although I’ve only been once and tend to support some of the “OG” restaurants more, he did a great job with that space and cleaning up that entrance to the Avenue, and the storage area where they conceal the trash is fantastic – hopefully an example for the new place to model after. We have our own restaurant week for crying out loud! I have a hard time sympathizing for people who have to breath in a little food smog right outside their house because your property value has exploded and your dinky little 3 bedroom / 1 bathroom house is creeping upwards of mid to high-threes right now.
Anyone else find it very interesting to note that Chef Chris Lee (formerly of Starr’s Striped Bass and EPA’s Sophia’s) was hired in this past Fall by the Barteca Restaurant Group? More info here:
It this new venue announcement a coincidence or an attempted return to EPA? Does a chef or culinary director (as he is called now) with some experience in Philly and along the avenue change opinions of this new restaurant?
I will reserve judgement at this point. I’ve never been to one of Barteca’s restaurants. Could be good. Their menus seem not horrible.
Agreed… I can reserve judgement. Thats my luxury since I don’t live there. If I lived right there, I can’t just wait and see. After something is in there, it is impossible to make them move.
Can we all agree that Tapas are delicious? No? Cool.
Also, I wonder if people would feel differently if it was Tria moving into this location. Looking at Barcelona’s website / menu, I imagine it could be quite similar
Not one person in this thread expressed a concern about parking. It’s a March Miracle!
In like a lamb… (in an SUV)
Dammit, this puts a crimp in my plans to open A Man’s Fromage…a lifestyle friendly french wine and cheese bar.
Brilliant! But yes, people should be more concerned about the parking than what’s opening.. no matter what opens, you can’t find parking to get to your house!
Enter BSL, buses 45, 29, 47, taxis, uber, feet and Indego! Voila! Problem solved for most trips!
Any overlap between this and the stalled landscape/ streetscape plans at this intersection?
Maybe all the miffed residents can band together and work to get Barcelona to chip in on that project since it very clearly benefits their business.
It could be a useful way to channel locals’ concerns and will also help Barcelona connect with the neighborhood.
I don’t recall even hearing that an option was chosen between keeping/getting rid of the right hand turn onto 12th. Anyone have updates on that decision?
I would assume that Barcelona won’t be moving in any time soon. There is a lot of interior construction to be done. The build out to make it a restaurant (with kitchen, exterior windows, etc.) could take 6+ months easily.
Hopefully the interior construction coincides with the exterior construction to limit the time frame.
In terms of Barcelona chipping in, the exterior project is supposedly completely funded, so I’m not sure that would work. However, if the plans aren’t finalized yet, maybe they could put in more money and we could get a fountain or something.
Maybe they could chip in to build a 9 story parking garage for the auto enthusiasts.
I’m only suggesting it as a voluntary gesture on Barcelona’s part, but if they did I’m sure the design details would be sensitive to their operations.
Its gonna be a yuge improvement. And I’m gonna make the people of 12th Street pay for it. Watch me. We’re gonna start winning again! We’re making Passyunk Great Again!
Boy, this thread is a great reminder that two sides of a debate can, in fact, be simultaneously and equally insufferable.
I expect better from my internet comments.
Glad to see all the comments… even the crazy ones.
back to “old” people vs “new” people…
You know who throws their garbage into the sidewalk cans so that they are always full? The “old.”
thus why there are now no garbage cans at 10th/reed/passyunk
I have nothing to add, I just wanted to feel like I’m a part of something. I’ll just go stand by the punch bowl.
I think it will be a nice addition to the avenue. My only problem is the parking. They need to add parking for the patrons. Ive often come down east Passyunk to eat and have left because I was unable to find a place to park.
Maybe you should not drive. It is very easy to get to Passyunk on public of take Uber or a taxi.
Want to be upset about something? Try the Wendy’s that is opening on Broad and Snyder.