What’s up with the new fencing that went up at 8th and Washington?
We’ve been receiving a lot of emails about the mysterious fencing that has gone up around the triangular lot that houses the Captain Jesse G. Crab Shack building at the intersection of 8th, Washington and Passyunk.

Despite our best attempts to discover what exactly is happening here, our searches have come up empty. Whatever is occurring on this lot is likely by-right.
The fencing went up about a week ago.
This isn’t the only Washington Avenue project that is happening thanks to by-right zoning. We recently told you about a by-right 12th and Washington mixed-use development that includes the demolition of the current structure to make way for a 5-story development with 48 apartments, 15 parking spaces and a ground-floor commercial space.
Any idea of what’s happening here?
This development was spotted by a few of our loyal readers. If you see something, say something – in an email to punk@passyunkpost.com
5 Story mixed use building – http://www.ocfrealty.com/naked-philly/passyunk-square/captain-jesses-crabs-caught-in-a-trap-on-washington-avenue
Keep mutant crabs from escaping.
Will the corner of 8th and Passyunk get any pedestrian amenities? For example, crosswalk neckdowns, crossing signals, crosswalk parking enforcement, anything to make it slightly pleasant for a pedestrian.