LoMo Storm Drain Art Project with Ryan Psota
Last month the Lower Moyamensing Civic Association launched their Storm Drain Art Project with Philly artist, Ryan Psota. The project’s purpose is to “bring more attention to our watershed and (hopefully) discourage citizens from throwing trash into the drains,” says LoMo board member, Rachel Cox.

With three storm drains already spoken for, LoMo is still accepting nominations for a fourth. Potential canvases should fit the criteria though:
- Must be in the LoMo neighborhood (Broad to 7th, and Snyder to Oregon).
- Must be a drain in good shape (ie: no crumbing concrete).
- Must be located near a business, school or on a high-traffic intersection.
- Must be located at the corner, or at least highly visible to someone crossing the street or standing at the corner.
- The person submitting must supply a photo of the drain.
Send your nomination to Rachel Cox.
Psota posted a timelapse video of his work at the SE corner of Broad and Snyder. His work can also be seen at Bing Bing Dim Sum and at Bainbridge Green.