Bella Vista Neighbors Association coming to an end?
The trouble started back in 2012 when Joel Palmer, one of Philadelphia’s professional blight busters, had the audacity to try and take over a tax delinquent property in the Bella Vista neighborhood.

Some folks didn’t like that and filed a lawsuit against Joel and the civic association he just happened to be president of. The Bella Vista Neighbors Association was ultimately dismissed from the suit but by then, the damage was done.
As first reported by PlanPhilly, the BVNA is now faced with possibly having to dissolve because their insurance company, Twin City Fire Insurance Company, which has now spent over $100k defending Joel, has dropped them. It’s because of this, that BVNA has not been able to find a new carrier willing to offer reasonable premiums and deductibles. The group is holding a special meeting this Monday at the Palumbo Recreation Center to decide its fate.
PlanPhilly’s Jake Blumgart reports how this has and could effect other RCO’s and what local officials are doing about it.
If only he had devoted his efforts to creating more parking spots, the neighborhood would have hailed him a hero and created a holiday in his honor. Lesson learned!
That vacant lot in the above picture sure is some wasted space. You could pave it and park at least two dozen cars there!
by “the vacant lot” you mean Cianfrani Park??
I am pretty sure it was a joke
Classic neighborhood short-sightedness. These guys (Joel and Jeff) are already heros!
The number of tax delinquent properties in this city is astonishing. I guess it’s audacious to think that tax delinquency is harmful to the neighborhood and that the people who live in the neighborhood should do nothing about it.