Meet Katie Hanford East Passyunk Avenue BID’s new executive director

The East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District hired Katie Hanford, as its new executive director. Hanford began her position in July and replaces the former executive director Rebecca Bush O’Leary.

The East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District (EPABID), which began in 2002, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the revitalization of one of Philadelphia’s longest-standing commercial corridors.

“We are excited for a new chapter here at the EPABID with Katie Hanford,” said EPABID Board President and Tildie’s Toy Box Owner Michelle Gillen-Doobrajh. “Her background in city planning, nonprofit work, and passion for small business development is a perfect fit for the Avenue.”

“A city thrives when small, independent businesses have the resources to act on their creativity and connect to their neighborhood,” Hanford said. “I feel this is the BID’s job – to help support and grow the amazing community East Passyunk’s businesses and neighbors have already created. I am consistently impressed with the dedication and ingenuity of this community and can’t wait to see how we can evolve the Avenue together.”


Hanford grew up in West Chester, PA. and for the last five years has lived in East Passyunk in South Philadelphia. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Sociocultural Anthropology with a minor in city planning, she worked at several nonprofits including the Boys & Girls Club of King County and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Hanford said while she loved helping individuals in the community, she felt drawn to help support people in their own economic development.

Hanford quoted the proverb “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

“I wanted to support folks in their economic development,” she said.
It’s just one of the reasons why she decided to go to graduate school. This past May, she earned her master’s degree in city planning from the University of Pennsylvania.

Challenges and Goals

When asked what challenges the BID faces, Hanford replied, “Inflation has hit us hard. We are ironing out the budget. We have an awesome board and want to do what’s in the community’s best interest. We are in the process of gathering data and will continue to work with small businesses to improve the business district.”

Hanford also discussed her three priorities for the BID. First is events and marketing. “I want to continue to promote events like the Passyunk Passegiatta on Thursday nights,” Hanford said.

Beginning in October, the BID will launch First Friday. Special events and promotions will be held Fridays, October 4, November 1, and December 6. Two other favorite events will return in October. East Passyunk Witch CRAFT Crawl will be held on October 23 and East Passyunk Fall Fest is schedule to return on October 26, 2024.

Second, Hanford wants to focus on façade improvements. “I want to help businesses access grants and other opportunities.”

Third, she wants to work with other organizations to create more public spaces by incorporating art installations and improving lighting.

Hanford added she is looking forward to meeting “all the incredibly creative and generous people who make this neighborhood tick.”

Learn more about the EPABID and upcoming events at