Q & A about NecroPhillyAhhh with REV Theatre Company’s Rosemary Hay

South Philly is a hub of theatrical activity this weekend as the Fringe Fest wraps-up. Check out Joseph Myer’s Three to see in South Philly. Myers also spoke with Rosemary Hay, one of REV Theatre Company’s artistic directors, about the

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Go away…but tell me a story first

Tonight’s monthly story-telling jam theme is Go away (but they really want you to stop on by). This month’s Tell Me a Story (TMAS), Philadelphia’s long-running evening of storytelling, celebrates the stories that take you to far away lands, or have

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Foodie Friday: Tasty bits to digest

There’s been a smorgasbord of South Philly restaurant news in the blog-o-sphere. Here are some links to whet your appetite, so to speak… Northwest corner of 12th & Morris gets a tenant! The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Michael Kline broke the news

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