What would you like to see on Washington Avenue in the future?

We all know that Washington Avenue is changing. There’s the 32-story Blatstein project and Lincoln Square at Broad Street, the Frankford Chocolate Factory, plenty of other mixed-use projects popping up all along the street, plans for restriping, new businesses and

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Councilman Johnson introduced two bills to push Broad and Washington Lincoln Square project forward

Just after receiving positive feedback from the community at a South of South Neighborhood Association meeting this week, the Lincoln Square developers are receiving some more positive news. In order for the project to move forward at Broad and Washington,

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Community shows support for Lincoln Square development at Broad and Washington

The scene from community meetings for Bart Blatstein‘s massive Broad and Washington project is vastly different than the scene at last night’s South of South Neighborhood Association meeting. The developers behind the Lincoln Square project being proposed for the northwest

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Design Advocacy Group urges Bart Blatstein to ‘listen carefully to the voices of opposition’

Just after hearing less-than-positive feedback from the Civic Design Review, the Design Advocacy Group has decided to weigh in on Bart Blatstein’s South Philly projects. The plans for a 32-story tower and rooftop village at Broad and Washington and the

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Design a logo for Queen Village’s soon-to-be-redesigned Front Street Gateway

Ground is expected to be broken in the fall for a community space on Front Street between Christian Street and Washington Avenue called the Front Street Gateway. This green community space is meant to serve as a connection between two

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