Work set to begin on Carpenter Green project
Earlier this year we told you that the vacant lot at 17th and Carpenter was being rezoned for use as parkland for the Carpenter Green project.

Now work is beginning to get the park up and running, with hopes of completion for Fall 2016.
Phase I of the project is expected to begin later this month, with groundbreaking and all the important structural pieces, including a storm water management structure, conduit and piping. After that is completed, expect to see the beginning of Phase II this fall, which will include fundraising for the park space to raise the $75k necessary to complete this project.
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Hey hey, who’s got two thumbs and is awful at updating social media? Anyway, update on Carpenter Green. Phase I will…
Posted by Carpenter Green on Monday, August 3, 2015
In case you missed it before, here is a look at some potential plans for this future park space.
“Image a Streetview screen grab from 2011, though it’s not all that different now”- Well, besides the fact that we had two building demolished, several weed trees removed, handicap ramps replaced, cleaned, and fenced. But besides that six figure investment in guess it’s exactly like the photo. Minus the dumpster.
Why did they use the streetview from 2011? There are two more recent streetview images available.