Why are trash cans allowed to be stored on Oregon Ave?
We all know the city has a trash problem, but what about a trash can problem?

On parts of Oregon Avenue, trash cans are permanently placed in the median. Parked cars are one thing, but why is trash allowed in the middle of the road?
Despite multiple reports to 311, some residents say that this is a weekly happening, with cans and trash bags being put in the median, along with parked cars. This has been reported at 10th and Oregon, along with other points of the street.
Anyone know why this allowed? We’re stumped on this one.
It’s because all the hipsters took the spaces for their mixed use developments and parks. They need to move to the suburbs so we can park our trash cans!!!
Forget why this is allowed, why is this even happening? What need is there to place trashcans in the median?
This specific example is from the crab truck place. They’ve been doing it for years and I am sure because they are nice to the neighbors and do not cause trouble no one raises a stink.
They are already permanently take up a parking spot in front of Oregon Steaks and typically have a car or two parked in the median along with space for their cans.
That’s strange. I grew up down that way and it’s the first I’ve ever seen that. In general, parking along the median on Oregon Avenue has gotten out of control.
You are absolutely correct. While I don’t care for people parking in the median to begin with, I can tolerate it usually. When you head west of Broad on Oregon, cars are often parked two wide on the median and they are hanging into the lane on either side. I am sorry but cars that are parked in the right of way need to be towed.
I think they belong to the guy who sells crabs out of his truck!???
Toni, They 100% percent belong to the guy who sells Crabs out of his truck. Ever since Oregon Steaks opened he moved his trash cans to the median on Oregon Ave. i’m guessing he has a ordinance for daily pick up or the steak shop won’t allow him to use the sidewalk any longer.
Because of the lack of parking, I can tolerate people parking on the median, parking in wrong lanes, angle and even double parking sometimes… but parking on Oregon ave is dangerous. They park on left turn lanes, too close to the box, and everything you can name. Sometimes they get ticketed, but 95% Oregon ave is a third world country. No wonder tourists avoid it completely. It’s a shame because with some fixing up of the local businesses and neighborhoods, the area itself could be very profitable and a good job market.
The mental gymnastics of the above statement…is amazing.
You just wish you were as smart as that poster. Maybe it’s time for South Philadelphians to stop being so stupid and get an education.
Agree completely. Only in 3rd world countries can people park in the right of way of a major 4 lane street, including the wrong direction in the middle of the left turn lane.
The median parking definitely frustrates me, but it doesn’t impact safety the same way that blocking crosswalks and curb cuts does. I feel terrible for the elderly and those who require wheelchairs/walkers/crutches to get around this City. It is impossible to access the sidewalk when cars feel that they can park directly in front of the curb cut. Why even spend City money to put curb cuts at crosswalks if they aren’t going to be kept clear. Even if parking in the median is not going to be enforced, there needs to be some compromise to keep curb cuts open and our pedestrians safe.